The dedicated vignerons of the Stoneleigh team work closely with the Stoneleigh winemakers to develop perfectly balanced, ripe flavoursome fruit unique to the Rapaura region of Marlborough
Not only is Stoneleigh recognised in New Zealand for its consistent production of premium quality wines but now the rest of the world is catching on. Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc keeps reinforcing its presence in key overseas markets. The wine has recently been listed at the world-renowned Ritz Hotel in London. Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc is being poured over the very chic art deco Rivoli Bar, and has been included on the hotel's wine list. In addition, Stoneleigh has recently become the top selling NZ Sauvignon Blanc across the Tasman; Australian's just cannot get enough of this superior Sauvignon Blanc. Stoneleigh»