Capel Vale Debut Verdelho
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Verdelho
  Western Australia
Each $17.99
Currently out of stock
Western Australia has enjoyed a long and salubrious experience with Verdelho, renowned as a winegrowing region for a memorable succession of the nation's finest vintages. Capel Vale have made the most of their baronial expanse of vineyards, to find the perfect sites for the establishment of superior Verdelho vines. Made to measure for service alongside whole roast birds, pine nut risotto and fine Al fresco faire, a revitalizing Verdelho wine at its very best, fruit forward and refreshingly unoaked.
Capel Vale own and operate many vineyards across the premier viticultural precincts of Western Australia. Each vineyard grows the grapes which are most appropriate for the terroir and clime They played an important role in the establishment of the West Australian wine industry and the recognition of the nation's southwest as a premium winegrowing region. Verdelho is harvested at optimum ripeness, grapes are crushed and destemmed, the musts are chilled and dejuiced. After three days of cold settling, batches are racked into fermenters and introduced to yeast. Vinifications are halted early to preserve the natural grape sugars, adding body and enhancing fruit character in the finished wine.
Light pale straw hue. Tropical fruit nose of mango, apricots and guava, preserved lemon and scents of nut. Intense lemon lime flavours on the palate, fully rounded and balanced mouthfeel complemented by sweet fruit characters, finishing pleasantly dry, lingering and clean. A match to mild Asian curries, roast duck, or chorizo with puy lentils.
Wines by Capel Vale
Capel Vale Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Cabernet Sauvignon
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $46.99
Available in cartons of six
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Capel Vale Black Label Chardonnay
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Chardonnay
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $46.99
Available in cartons of six
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Debut Cabernet Merlot
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit CabernetSauv Merlot
  Western Australia
  Each $21.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Debut Malbec
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Malbec
  Western Australia
  Each $21.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Debut Sauvignon Semillon
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit SauvBlanc Semillon
  Western Australia
  Each $21.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit CabernetSauv PetitVerdot Merlot
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $25.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Margaret River Chardonnay
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Chardonnay
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $25.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Margaret River Sauvignon Blanc
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Sauvignon Blanc
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $25.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Margaret River Sauvignon Semillon
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit SauvBlanc Semillon
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $25.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Mount Barker Shiraz
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Shiraz
Regions Mt Barker
  Western Australia
  Each $25.99
Available by the dozen
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Scholar Cabernet Sauvignon
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Cabernet Sauvignon
Regions Margaret River
  Western Australia
  Each $68.99
Available in cartons of six
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Whispering Hill Riesling
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Riesling
Regions Mt Barker
  Western Australia
  Each $41.99
Available in cartons of six
    [ Details ]
Capel Vale Whispering Hill Shiraz
WineryCapel Vale
Fruit Shiraz
Regions Mt Barker
  Western Australia
  Each $49.99
Available in cartons of six
    [ Details ]
About the Capel Vale Winery
Capel Vale began as a hobby for Sydney radiologist Dr Peter Pratten and his wife Elizabeth when they purchased land on the Capel River between Bunbury and Busselton in 1974
Capel Vale Winery, restaurant and cellar door, now sit atop the original vineyard site, Stirling Estate. Stirling Estate was originally the site of a stone fruit orchard in the 1930s. Consisting of rich, red alluvial loams over a limestone base, it possessed a natural, permanent watertable and was perfect for growing vines. The first plantings were in 1974, producing the first commercial vintage in 1980. After determining that the soils of the Capel area (now included in the EU registered Geographe Region) were best suited to Chardonnay and Merlot, it became the Prattens passion to determine the best region in South Western Australia for each of the main premium grape varieties. Capel Vale»